Antarah ibn shaddad biography channel
Antarah ibn shaddad biography channel full
Antarah ibn Shaddad al-Absi (Arabic: عنترة بن شداد العبسي), ʿAntarah ibn Shaddād al-ʿAbsī; AD –), also known as ʿAntar, was a pre-Islamic Arabian poet and knight, famous for both his poetry and his adventurous life.
Antarah ibn shaddad biography channel
Produced in , it combines the verified history with the popular imagination that formulated the famous folk epic about the character of the knight and poet Antarah bin Shaddad Al-Absi, and .
Antarah ibn shaddad biography channel 7
Antarah (Antar) Ibn Shaddad( - ) 'Antarah Ibn Shaddad al-'Absi was a pre-Islamic Arabian hero and poet ( ) famous both for his poetry and his adventurous life.
Antarah ibn shaddad biography channel 6
Antarah ibn Shaddad al-Absi (Arabic: عنترة بن شداد العبسي), ʿAntarah ibn Shaddād al-ʿAbsī; AD –), also known as ʿAntar, was a pre-Islamic Arab knight and poet, famous for both his .