Darren espanto birthdate

Darren espanto and cassy legaspi

Darren Lyndon Espanto was born in Calgary, Canada on May 24, He is the first child of Filipino registered nurses Marinel Gonzales and Lyndon Espanto, who emigrated to Canada from Nueva Vizcaya province in the Philippines.

darren espanto birthdate

Darren espanto height

Darren Lyndon Espanto (born May 24, ) is a Filipino-Canadian singer well- known for his cover songs such as Chandelier, originally sung by Sia. He first joined a .

Darren espanto age

Darren Espanto was born on the 24th of May, He is famous for being a World Music Singer.

Darren espanto father
Only 6 months, 18 hours,23 minutes has left for his next birthday.