Margaret thatcher biography espanola

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Margaret Hilda Thatcher (AFI: [ˈmɑːgɹət ˈθæʧə]; de soltera Roberts; 1.ª baronesa Thatcher de Kesteven; Grantham, Inglaterra, 13 de octubre de Londres, Inglaterra, 8 de abril de ) ​ fue una política y estadista británica que ejerció como primera ministra del Reino Unido desde a , See more.
margaret thatcher biography espanola

Margaret thatcher biography espanola

Margaret Thatcher was a woman who rescued her nation from it's economic woes and inspired a whole generation to rise above the challenges they faced.

Margaret thatcher children

The first female prime minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher was a controversial figurehead of conservative ideology during her time in office.
Margaret thatcher wikipedia
Margaret Thatcher (born October 13, , Grantham, Lincolnshire, England—died April 8, , London) was a British Conservative Party politician and prime .